At a certain point in the development of the heart, it no longer wants to be led by the mind. It wants to take over. When you surrender to that, then the heart starts to build and enrich the subtle senses. One of the places it will immediately go to is your ears. On a subtle physiological level there are little openings in the ears like speakers. When the heart opens out to this area, it breaks open the membranes. But these don’t open until one is ready for it. The transcendent is ready, the heart is ready, the mind is ready, and the emotions are ready. Everything gets prepared and then the ears can open. Then there’s an opening out to this other level of sound that’s a lot like hearing birds sing in springtime, when nature thaws out and becomes awake. That experience of the ears opening out into nature and allowing the subtle levels of sound to manifest makes one more attuned to everything that is around one.
On the one hand you have this collapsed value of the transcendent that’s completely internal and stable, contained in its own bubble. At a certain point there’s only so much containment of the transcendent that your heart can handle and then it wants out. When that expressed value comes out, it hits the ears and opens out into this melodic quality in the environment. When the transcendent level is really stable in the heart, you can go underneath anything, even the grossest values of sound, and hear silence. That’s one of the beauties of capturing the transcendent.
Undifferentiated silence is one thing, but then when silence starts to re-differentiate itself from the transcendent and come back out again towards you, it opens out a whole other field of language, understanding, perception, and awareness. From an esoteric standpoint, that’s what clairaudience is: clear audience. It means that your inner audience, your ability to be sensitively audient, has awakened. The subtle mechanics of the heart produce a coordination between hearing and feeling.
There’s an instantaneous translator in the heart. When the subtle level of hearing starts to manifest, it also manifests in translation, so there’s meaning associated with it. That’s why a seer is able to communicate with birds or horses or anything: he has an instantaneous translator that brings out the language of feeling underneath sound. The coordination between heart and sound and the pulsing back and forth between them is a big wave like an accordion. The little pleats inside the instrument represent the dimensions of sound and everything that’s recorded inside them.
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