Our desires are masked by our mind. We don’t know how to have a pure desire. Our dreams and visions are all concepts that we’re holding. There’s nothing wrong with having concepts, but pure desire is non-conceptual. Once you freeze it into a concept, you’re limiting the desire. It’s not a living thing anymore, and when it doesn’t have that liveliness of pure sentience. The universe treats it like a leaf that’s just fallen off the tree. It no longer has a life force attached to it. Approaching desires from the level of the mind is one of the reasons why they don’t get fulfilled.
The universe doesn’t know how to recognize concepts because our concepts and our mind aren’t functioning from a very high vibrational level. For example, if you tried to communicate with an ant, you could not do it unless your consciousness was at a very subtle level. Likely as not, you would impose some conceptual structure on that organism. This is the nature of the mind, to impose concepts. So your mind imposes concepts on your desires. This is why it’s hard for the universe to meet your demands.
It’s not the job of the universe to meet your desires. This may be controversial in the light of the popular movie The Secret, that says if you think something, your beliefs will create that reality. I don’t believe that you have a desire and the universe will manifest that. On one level, yes, if I want to pick up a book and I pick it up, I have a resonance with my desire and my will. But the universe doesn’t function from the level of your personal will or even from the level of the collective will.
When you go toward the notion of desire from this level, you have to give up your concepts of your life, what you think it should be, who you think should be in it, and what the projects are that you should be doing. You want to get out of your head because all of that actually interferes with the level of pure desires. The mind is an imposition on the heart. The mind keeps stifling and suffocating pure desires, through its own impulses of will and anxiety.
As the brain ages this happens more in some ways because a lot of anxieties start to manifest as your physical brain is dying and losing brain cells, and the symptoms are nervousness, anxieties, fears, and insecurities. In most people over 40, this mass of anxiety starts to emerge. They start to lose touch with the sense of all possibilities. When you’re young, in your 20s, anything goes, everything’s possible. But when you’re 40 or so, you start to lose your enthusiasm and pure desire. It comes from all the traumatic events that happen in your life and your brain starts to shut down. As you get older you have to get out of your brain!
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